The Memory
Gold award
Linda McCord
The memory of mother
"In the 90's" is a series of art about my mother's life after she turned 90 years old. I have attempted to show glimpses of the things she enjoys doing and some more somber moments. She loves babies, so I have included several paintings of her with her great, great-granddaughter, Leah. She likes drinking her coffee out of China cups, reading, sewing, cooking, knitting and she loves her dog, Peppy.
On the Mend
Funny Pages
Service for One
Stir Crazy
Mom's Sewing Room
Busy Work
Bunker Series-Sentry
Bunker Series-Unname
Bunker Series-Observation
Mazdak Toosinejhad
Ancient Ruins Nabatean Spice Route
Lion's Gate
Moonrise Over Jordan
I Love You Today More Than Yesterday but Less Than Tomorrow 3
I Love You Today More Than Yesterday but Less Than Tomorrow 1
I Love You Today More Than Yesterday but Less Than Tomorrow 5